Does it really matter what “they” say?

15 12 2009

In Acts 19:1-10 we read of those who hear the truth and respond in faith.  We also read of those who hear the truth and reject it and even “malign The Way.”  To malign means to slander, smear, or criticize.  Paul spoke the truth for three months and yet some rejected, criticized, and slandered the truth.  In turn Paul took those who did believe and discipled them for two years.  His persistence and faithfulness in proclaiming and teaching the truth in the face of resistance brought results, “…all of the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord.”

Are you a mentor or discipler?  Have you ever fit one of these titles?  Both titles make me uncomfortable.  I am simply a sinner saved by grace.  That doesn’t qualify me to be a mentor or discipler, or does it?  It might help us to acknowledge our responsibility to others if we ask different questions.  Since accepting Christ as my Savior have I grown spiritually?  Have I experienced trials or temptation?  Have I resisted or overcome said temptation?  Have I sought the Spirit’s indwelling, to replace my old man with what God has designed me to be, holy, and in daily communion with Him?  Will others benefit from my sharing of these experiences?  Can I share these experiences with those within my spheres of influence on a daily basis?

I, and likely you can answer yes to most, if not all of these questions because of the grace of God and the continuing work of the Holy Spirit in us.  We could never accomplish the changes in ourselves of holiness and purification on our own.  Without Him we are nothing, but with Him we can be holy.  It is He who qualifies us to be godly mentors & disciplers.  We can share our experiences in Him with others to help them avoid sin and to stimulate growth and maturation.  After all, Jesus has commanded that we all be disciplers.  We can do it.

I wrote this post long in advance of today’s news that Oral Roberts has been promoted to Glory.  Regardless of his humanity and his publicized missteps, Dr. Roberts has served the Christian community and the world at large greatly through his years on earth.  I join his family in mourning this loss but praise God for allowing people like you, me and Dr. Roberts to make an impact for Him in this world.

Boy Oh Boy, Was He Mad!

18 11 2009

Take a look at Hosea 14:1-4 then read on.

Just at the moment I do that thing I’ve promised to never do again, that’s when I feel it.  It’s that sensation that runs down my spine and makes me shiver inside.  It’s that still small voice asking me why I’ve broken my promise once again.  I even wonder if it isn’t a spiritual extra-sensory perception of the disappointment and anger of God.  He’s angry that the tempter has succeeded with the “sin that so easily entangles” (Heb. 12:1-3) me.  Where was my discipline?  Why didn’t I see it coming?

I was raised in a home where the words “gosh” or “darn” (Forgive me, Mom for even writing them here) were absolute NO-NO’s.  We switched the channel whenever someone swore on TV; had certain shows we just knew were off limits because of the language.  Thus you will understand my need to drop to my knees in repentance on the front lawn of my grade school while we were playing soccer.  I’d had enough of the cheating from the other team and let out some cursing and expletives that might have made a sailor blush.  Immediately I knew I had disappointed my Father, not to mention myself.  I had lost the favor of the One I love most.  My witness was diminished with one line of verbiage.  You may smirk at this but I had to pray.

Each of us has areas of our lives where we do what is right without thinking.  We do this because it is second nature or extra-normal for us.  That’s where the Israelites should have been, but they weren’t.  They were idiots and repeatedly broke God’s law and likely His heart, requiring repentance.  Guess what.  Each of us has some of that idiocy within us.  There are things we fall for every time because we allow ourselves to take over God’s place of importance.  We want what we want and we’re going to have it.  Instead of giving in so easily, let’s do this instead.  Start and live your day with this prayer.

Today, God, I know I need to give __________ to You because if I don’t I’m bound to disappoint You.  I will not settle for less than what You have to offer.  So take this from me in exchange for Your perfect Spirit instead.  Thank you.  Thank you. Amen.

Please let me know if this or any of my posts are helpful to you.  Thanks.