Regardless of what you got, you can have More

27 12 2009

Please read Acts 20:17-38

Paul knows that he must continue his missionary travels.  He also knows that this is the last time he will see these brothers and sisters this side of heaven.  Reminding them of their days together maturing and growing in the Lord, Paul now says Watch out!  You have hard days ahead.  Keep the faith.  Trust in Jesus and His words.  Live as I have lived, pursuing Christ and proclaiming His love to all you meet.

I don’t know anyone who enjoys saying “Goodbye” to those they love and care for; especially when you know it’s for the last time.  I know that when I got the call that my grandma had been rushed to the emergency room with congestive heart failure, I thought of of how much I wanted to see her again.  I thought of all the things we hadn’t said or done.  I thought of how much I longed for her to be with us forever.  Instead, God took her to His kingdom.  My memories of Grandma are good and challenging to me as I mature in my faith.  She set a high standard for living, not because she ever put herself above others, but because she served others through, and due to her love for God.  Grandma’s memories cry out, “Stand tall for the faith.  Don’t let the wolves tear you away.  Love and serve others in His name and you will see fulfillment.”

God created us holy beings.  He intends for us all to be holy.  He’s made a way for us to be holy but our selfishness and pride tears us away from that reality and will continue to get in the way of our experience of His holiness if we allow it to do so.  We must submit ourselves to His will every moment of the day, overcoming our dependence on possessions, wealth, self-reliance and pride.  As Paul and the New Testament church experienced we will know God’s love and purity in its fullness if we allow Him to maintain control in our lives.  His hand will never lead us astray. Trust Him today.

There’s Been A Change Of Plans

24 12 2009

Please read Acts 20:1-16

Changing ones plans is not always fun or easy.  Nonetheless Paul knew that there were those who were plotting against him and he must alter his plans or chance ending his mission in their hands.  He recognized the threat and made an adjustment to his plans in order to allow God to continue to paint the bigger picture.  Paul didn’t get wrapped up in his own pride.  He didn’t proceed on his journey because he was “Paul, the almighty.”  Instead he took a different route, altered his schedule to see that the work of the Lord was done.

Wow!  What a challenge.  I like to have a schedule and to stick to that schedule.  Please don’t get in my way when I need to accomplish my task.  I don’t really want to hurt you but I may have to if you’re in my way.  Clearly this isn’t the method or mentality that Paul had come to live.  He knew that the shortest route from “A to B” is a straight line, but he also knew that God’s message came before his personal preference or pride.  God’s call and message must make it through no matter what.

Sometimes it’s difficult to slow down, rearrange our schedule, or alter our habits.  It puts pressure on our comfort zone.  It means CHANGE, and we all know that change is hard, or at least uncomfortable.  Never the less we have been charged with a duty.  We must fulfill it.  Yet, sometimes God actually wants us to take the circuitous (scenic) route to get to our destination because in the pursuit of this path we are drawn to trust Him more.  He’s ultimately the One in control.  We need to be reminded that we are His hands and feet.  He is the head.  He tells us where to go, what to do.  Let’s respond accordingly.  Let’s trust Him to complete every good work.  He is God.  He can do it and we can help.

You mean money’s not where it’s at?

23 12 2009

Please read I Timothy 6:6-19

When you stop to think about it, from the very beginning, the fall of mankind in sinfulness came about because of greed and selfishness. It’s the, “I want what I do not have and am willing to break the rules in order to get it” that gets us, hence the warnings and exhortations in today’s passage. Desire for wealth brings temptation. The love for more personal gain is foundational to our fall. Command those who are rich to verify where their faith lies. “Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness.” Store up your treasures in Heaven.

What a contrast to what our world today proclaims. We are often labeled or perceived as “misguided” if we put others ahead of ourselves, that is unless we  know that they’ll owe us one. We are delusional if we are committed to setting aside a percentage of our holdings for use by the church, unless we can then use it to manipulate the church to support us in some cause.

Can we actually fulfill these biblical exhortations? Is it possible to stand as a beacon of light in this world of moral decay? Can we really show them the truth through these archaic beliefs and methods? These questions approach the topic from the wrong perspective. We must recognize and accept that the Word of God was written long ago, but God is always in the now. He’s not just yesterday. His word is current and applicable to our lives in every moment. These are not archaic beliefs and methods. They are a heartfelt passion. They are the signs of life in our dying world today. They are the beacons of light shining into the darkness, drawing the lost and curious. When we have surrendered our hearts and lives to the shaping and molding of the Holy Spirit, we will live out the love and passion for God’s kingdom in all that we do. That means that He sanctifies our wallets, our homes, our businesses, our entire lives. All we have is His for the using. Let’s give it up.

Do miracles still happen?

22 12 2009

Read Acts 19:11-20

Today’s passage tells of things that would be hard to believe if I didn’t already believe that these Scriptures are Holy and infallible, the written words of God through divine inspiration by His Holy Spirit.  After all, who could believe in healing and evil-spirit exorcising handkerchiefs?  Who’s ever heard of such a thing?  How could it be possible?  Oh, and then there are the frauds or shams, you know, the ones who are “bandwagon” healers and exorcists.  They had heard of this popular new way to “get attention” and jumped on board, hoping no one would notice that they didn’t know the Truth, that they were great pretenders.

It’s not something I’m proud of, but today’s passage brought back memories of a day when I was a pretender, similar to Heath Ledger’s Will Thatcher of A Knight’s Tale.  It wasn’t all that hard to be one.  I had gone to church all of my life.  I knew the lingo.  I knew the motions, the facial expressions, and the “presence”.  I might have gotten a Grammy, or more likely a Daytime Emmy for my performance.  All it took was one person with the discernment of even the demons mentioned in today’s passage to question me for my “patents of nobility”, asking for my “spiritual birth certificate” proving that I was no more a child of God than I was Sir Ulrich von Liechtenstein from Gelderland.  I was guilty of impersonating a child of God and now I was exposed.  In retrospect, I’m glad it was only my pride that was stripped and beaten.  This incident challenged me to become more than I was.  I had been “weighed on the scales and found wanting“, tested and found lacking.

Under which category do you find yourself today?  Are you a Spirit filled follower of Christ willing to obey in miraculous ways, or are you a pretender and a fraud?  Have you ever experienced the miracle working power of the Holy Spirit in and through you?  Or instead, do you put on a front so others won’t know the truth?  Take a moment to ask the Spirit to search you and know you, to see if there is any wickedness within.  Seek Him earnestly today.  Submit to His reformation of your heart and Will (Knight’s Tale pun intended).  I’ll look for you on the field of battle to see if you’re wearing and wielding the full Armor of God.

Does it really matter what “they” say?

15 12 2009

In Acts 19:1-10 we read of those who hear the truth and respond in faith.  We also read of those who hear the truth and reject it and even “malign The Way.”  To malign means to slander, smear, or criticize.  Paul spoke the truth for three months and yet some rejected, criticized, and slandered the truth.  In turn Paul took those who did believe and discipled them for two years.  His persistence and faithfulness in proclaiming and teaching the truth in the face of resistance brought results, “…all of the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord.”

Are you a mentor or discipler?  Have you ever fit one of these titles?  Both titles make me uncomfortable.  I am simply a sinner saved by grace.  That doesn’t qualify me to be a mentor or discipler, or does it?  It might help us to acknowledge our responsibility to others if we ask different questions.  Since accepting Christ as my Savior have I grown spiritually?  Have I experienced trials or temptation?  Have I resisted or overcome said temptation?  Have I sought the Spirit’s indwelling, to replace my old man with what God has designed me to be, holy, and in daily communion with Him?  Will others benefit from my sharing of these experiences?  Can I share these experiences with those within my spheres of influence on a daily basis?

I, and likely you can answer yes to most, if not all of these questions because of the grace of God and the continuing work of the Holy Spirit in us.  We could never accomplish the changes in ourselves of holiness and purification on our own.  Without Him we are nothing, but with Him we can be holy.  It is He who qualifies us to be godly mentors & disciplers.  We can share our experiences in Him with others to help them avoid sin and to stimulate growth and maturation.  After all, Jesus has commanded that we all be disciplers.  We can do it.

I wrote this post long in advance of today’s news that Oral Roberts has been promoted to Glory.  Regardless of his humanity and his publicized missteps, Dr. Roberts has served the Christian community and the world at large greatly through his years on earth.  I join his family in mourning this loss but praise God for allowing people like you, me and Dr. Roberts to make an impact for Him in this world.

Bear It or Share It – It’s Up To You

14 12 2009

Have you ever been in a situation that no matter where you looked all you could see was more trouble coming your way?  Or perhaps you’ve been in a spot where no matter who you turned to for advice you could find no peace or resolution to your problem.  Today’s scripture, I Timothy 2:1-7, tells us exactly what to do.  We are to pray.  In fact we are “urged to pray.”  We are to pray for those in authority over us, for everyone around us, “…that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

I’ll be the first to admit that when I am frustrated with the way I’ve been treated by a co-worker, or hear a report on the news about soaring fuel prices, job loss, and the continuing conflict in the middle-east, too often my first response is not prayer but complaint.  It is far easier to perpetuate bad news than it is to try to contend with it.  In contrast, today’s scripture says, “I urge then, first of all…”  In other words, don’t sit there and grumble first.  Pray first!  We should be representatives before God for those who may not know to pray or for those who can’t.  He wants us to bring Him our spiritually lost friends, our government leaders, our every care.  He already knows what’s going on but He wants to know that we are willing to share that burden with Him.  It’s simple.  When you share your burden with Someone much larger than yourself, your burden is lighter.  In fact, it’s even better when you simply give it all to Him.  He’s willing and able to carry your every burden.  Truth is, the more you trust Him and draw near to Him, you’ll find He already is.  Give it a try.  You’ll find life easier to handle.  More than likely, if you pray first for God’s design, you won’t need or want to grumble

Live or Die – You Make the Choice

13 12 2009

On occasion I’ve heard someone say they are willing to die for Christ, when what He wants is for us to live for Him.  It is the living out of “death to our old self” that we will likely find the answer to Romans 6:6-14.  Jesus did indeed lay down His physical life for all mankind, and if the need would arise, I hope I would too.  In the mean time, we can choose to give our lives for those around us daily.  By simple acts of kindness, words of encouragement, and never worrying about receiving credit, we can give ourselves up as an offering to the Father.

It sounds pretty simple and easy, doesn’t it?  Take a moment to look back over the last day, and if you dare, the last week of your life.  Can you see those instances where you had a choice to give yourself for others?  Did you “die” in order that they may live?

This past summer I was out in the front yard with my dog.  I saw a car pull to a stop and two well dressed ladies got out.  They headed straight for me.  I knew instantly that they were Mormon missionaries.  My mind said “Grab the dog and get inside”, but my heart said to let God do His work.  I visited with them for probably 15 minutes.  I allowed them to share their initial beliefs or perspectives and then spoke.  I’ll not bore you with details, nor will I tell you that they both prayed the sinner’s prayer.  What I will say is that I now know the names of two young ladies that are at the top of my prayer list.  One of the ladies in particular was visibly troubled by what God allowed me to share with them.  God can now use my “sacrifice” of self-comfort to knock on the doors of their hearts.

How can you die today?  This week?  Be sensitive to Him.  He’ll show you how.

Need Direction? Free GPS Available.

10 12 2009

In Mark 8:31-38 Peter was totally on the wrong road.  He thought he was on the path to the Messiah, the Savior of the Jews.  He still didn’t see that Jesus was on the road to Messiah, Savior of the world.  Peter had his own idea of how Jesus would become the political and maybe spiritual savior of his people.  His idea, his plan did not include any suffering or death for Jesus.  How could Jesus even talk like that?  “In fact,” Peter thought, “I better straighten Him out.”

I was on my way from Omaha to pick up some stuff for my boss in Kansas City.  I called and got directions from the guy at the warehouse and was on my way.  As I crossed the Kansas/Missouri boarder, I thought, “Uh oh.  I know this place isn’t in Kansas.  It’s in KC, MO”.  So I called and clarified the directions and found out that the road I was looking for was I 435 South, toward St. Louis, not I 435 South, toward Wichita.  The roads had the same name, I 435 South.  They just didn’t have the same destination.

Jesus makes it clear that the road that goes where he’s called us is going to be cluttered with obstacles.  For some this path may even include death.  Nevertheless, He says to make no mistake.  If you sign on, you are in for some hard times.  You are in for some hard times, but look at what I offer at the end.  If you are with Me, I’ll be for you.  If you deny me, I’ll deny you.

There is no mistaking which road to take.  Peter’s goof helps us see that we must choose.  Should I choose what changes the here and now for a little while, or do I choose Who changes the here and now and forever more?  I choose now and forever more to seek out, listen to, and follow God’s direction for me.  How about you?  Is your God’s Positioning System (GPS) working right?

Simply sign right here and this could all be yours

9 12 2009

We are so conditioned by media today that if God were to “appear” to us and tell us of a covenant He has for us, we might say, “What’s the catch?”  Yet here, in Genesis 17: 1-7 &15-16, Abram finds himself in the presence of God and God is indeed offering some pretty spectacular stuff.  I mean, “increase your numbers” and “make you a nation”, and “give you a son”, are all some amazing things for a ninety year old guy to hear.  I try to imagine what went through his mind at a moment like that, but I’m tainted by today’s infomercials.  I’d wait for the tag line regarding Ginsu knives or some other bargain.

The interesting thing about God and His covenants is that He always holds up His end of any bargain.  When you read through all of the accounts of Abraham’s (Abram transformed) family line, God kept every promise.  It was the family line that repeatedly broke the covenant.  In fact, our belief that “Obedience brings blessing, disobedience bring punishment.” is drawn from the account immediately following today’s scripture.  God is pleased with His servant.  His servant is given a promise by God.  God blesses, fulfills, honors, and more.  Man obeys sometimes, listens, agrees (usually in self-interest), and then fails when it gets too hard, or it isn’t popular, or some other lame excuse.  Nevertheless, God reminds us of His promise and gives us the opportunity to pick the covenant back up.  He invites us once more into His good graces and says something like, “If you stick with me, Kid, we’ll go places.”

He doesn’t need us.  He wants us.  He actually wants to partner with us in this thing called life.  All we have to do is “call now”.  I don’t know about you, but I’m buying now.  This is one deal I can’t live without.

How do you feel about “Floaters”?

4 12 2009

Reading Luke 14: 33-35, I want to jump right to the salt.  The salt is easy.  Salt with or without flavor is so much easier to paint good or bad over “…any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.”  Am I right, or not?  I mean, I can be a little salty.  I can have a little flavor.  But to just say if I don’t drop everything, well it’s outrageous.

There was a little boy who loved going to the pool.  He could not swim but he loved to splash around in the shallows.  This boy was asked, “Would you like to go deeper?  Would you like to swim?”  He of course said “YES!”  Every week this boy would go to swimming class.  He would listen intently to the teacher and watch the teacher model the best swimming techniques.  He did this all while holding on to the side of the pool.  The teacher said, “If you just let go and trust me, I’ll keep you afloat.  I will not let you drown.”  The boy ventured out into the arms of the teacher once or twice, but he now hangs out in the shallows or holds the edge of the pool and works his way around to the first rope.  He’s still at the pool, but he doesn’t know how to swim.

Jesus’ statement is matter of fact.  If you hold onto your own life, your own stuff, you will drown.  You are just like salt without any flavor.  He says that those who refuse to let go aren’t even fit for the “manure pile”.  It is only when we trade what we hold in our hands for holding His hands that we are able to experience the Truth.  It is He who upholds us when we are weak and can’t stay afloat.  It is He who lifts us up to heights we’ve never seen.  But He will only do this for those willing to drop what they have for Who He is.

What’s in your hands?