Getting Our Just Desserts

18 11 2009

Check out Genesis 9:8-17 for insight into the thoughts below.

Sometimes I wonder just how much like today’s world was that of Noah’s.  I certainly know of several people I would put in the category of “righteous”, so the comparison is not exact.  Nevertheless I often wonder how far from experiencing raining down of fire we are.  Praise God, we know we can trust Him to not give us what we deserve.  As in today’s scripture, we know that those who are obedient to the call and command of God have a covenant, a binding contract as it were with the Creator, Lover and Judge of eternity.  He promises to keep us safe from the punishment and wrath that is also promised to those who disobey and deny Him His rightful due.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t recall all of the times I have said or thought that I deserve better, or thatI didn’t deserve to be treated that way, etc.  When it comes right down to it, I almost always think I deserve better.  In fact it’s about time people start recognizing me for who I am.  I have skills.  I am worth so much more than…

Ok.  OK.  You might have noticed the egocentric, self-centered, prideful, arrogant, place your adjective here, bent in that last paragraph.  The sad thing is that all too often these are the thoughts and temptations that go through our heads.  Pride is one of the devils greatest tools for tearing, slipping someone from sainthood onto skid row, spiritually speaking.  Today’s scripture reminds me of the graciousness of our Father.  He has promised His blessing and protection.  Not only that, He shows us His signature on that contract again and again every time there is a rainbow.  Why He keeps making rainbows is beyond me, other than He loves us more than we deserve.

What are you doing to show honor to His love and grace?  Do you live a life that would allow you to hear it said of you, “He/She walked faithfully with the Lord?” (Gen. 6:8-9) What needs to change to make it so?  Let’s do it today.