Live or Die – You Make the Choice

13 12 2009

On occasion I’ve heard someone say they are willing to die for Christ, when what He wants is for us to live for Him.  It is the living out of “death to our old self” that we will likely find the answer to Romans 6:6-14.  Jesus did indeed lay down His physical life for all mankind, and if the need would arise, I hope I would too.  In the mean time, we can choose to give our lives for those around us daily.  By simple acts of kindness, words of encouragement, and never worrying about receiving credit, we can give ourselves up as an offering to the Father.

It sounds pretty simple and easy, doesn’t it?  Take a moment to look back over the last day, and if you dare, the last week of your life.  Can you see those instances where you had a choice to give yourself for others?  Did you “die” in order that they may live?

This past summer I was out in the front yard with my dog.  I saw a car pull to a stop and two well dressed ladies got out.  They headed straight for me.  I knew instantly that they were Mormon missionaries.  My mind said “Grab the dog and get inside”, but my heart said to let God do His work.  I visited with them for probably 15 minutes.  I allowed them to share their initial beliefs or perspectives and then spoke.  I’ll not bore you with details, nor will I tell you that they both prayed the sinner’s prayer.  What I will say is that I now know the names of two young ladies that are at the top of my prayer list.  One of the ladies in particular was visibly troubled by what God allowed me to share with them.  God can now use my “sacrifice” of self-comfort to knock on the doors of their hearts.

How can you die today?  This week?  Be sensitive to Him.  He’ll show you how.



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